I cooperate with different groups and organization for OpenFOAM training.
IHA (Iranian Hydraulic Association) is one of them. The workshop is held in 3 levels, one introductory level and two complementary levels.
Introductory workshop
The introductory level is 8 hours and it includes:
- Linux introductory and OpenFOAM installation
- practice linux terminal and commands
- introduce OpenFOAM architecture
- define problem structure and solve a demo problem ( usually cavity problem using icoFoam) and introduce how to work with Paraview
- solve several new problems for practice
complementary workshop
The complementary level is 16 hours and it is presented in 2 programs. The first complementary levels includes:
- introduce boundary condition and implement new boundary condition using groovyBC from swak4Foam
- train turbulent flow simulation (RANS, LES and DES)
- introduce flow simulation in porous media
- introduce two phase flow simulation
besides in this workshop, the newbies learns how to import mesh from third party, run simulation in parallel and creates zones with topoSet.
and finally in the last complementary workshop, i talk about:
- free surface flow
- mesh generation using snappyHexMesh
- dynamicMesh
- OpenFOAM programming
This post will be updated to inform upcoming events. For register click here.