OpenFOAM has two solvers (chtMultiRegionFoam and chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam ) for the simulation of heat transfer across different materials. When a solver has the keyword simple in its name in OpenFOAM, it means it uses SIMPLE algorithm for pressure-velocity decoupling, Moreover, it represents it is a steady solver.
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when fuel is sprayed in the engine, jet primary and secondary breakup happen and tiny droplets are formed. The performance of fuel spray in an engine depends on the size of these droplets.
The major two phase flow regime in the micro tubes is the Slug flow regime. In this case there is one or few bubbles inside the channel. Hence, it is usually using surface tracking techniques for simulation of two-phase flow in micro tubes.
Studies on wind flow are received a huge interest in recent decades. Wind is known as a clean source of energy. Moreover, it plays a great role in urban ventilation to control air pollution. Therefore, wind flow simulations around single or complex buildings are raised up in recent years. My colleagues and I made several wind flow simulations. These simulations are conducted with OpenFOAM solver simpleFoam which is a stead-state solver. OpenFOAM supports a wide class of turbulence models. Different turbulence models are examined in these simulations to find the best result with experimental data. My experience shows kOmegaSST is the most suitable RANS turbulence model for simulation of wind flow.
A brief report of our simulation is presented below: